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Pokemon.Marriland.comPokemon Valentines Day and Easter

If you want to buy a pokemon you can pay 100 gibbions to increase your purchesed pokemon's level by 1 per 100 gibbions. All purcheses start at level 5 - 10 but you can downgrade the level if you wish. Also all shoppers can subcribe to POKEMON POKESHOP NEWSLETTER(just email that you would like to subscribe to the POKEMON POKESHOP NEWSLETTER for all the info on new items in the pokeshop and info on where the coolest and rarest pokemon are in the new pokefeild.

easter wigglytuff - 500 gibbions

easter togipi - 300 gibbions

easter buneary - 300 gibbions

easter execute - 300 gibbions

easter egg - 200 gibbions

easter lopunny - 400 gibbions

easter togekiss - 500 gibbions

easter togetic - 400 gibbions

valentines day pokemon

valentines day pikachu - 500 gibbions

valentines day luvdisc(avilable in male and female) - 300 gibbions

valentines day poster - 300 gibbions

valentines day bulbasaur - 500 gibbions

valentines day eevee - 500 gibbions